
Livarot is a soft, pungent cheese made from cow's milk, and it must always be sold in cylindrical form. It matures for at least 21 days in moist, warm cellars. The cheese has a unique visual appearance - it is encircled with five strips of reed or paper, like the ones found on a French colonel's uniform, which is why Livarot is also known as the Colonel. Its rind is washed and colored with annatto, and the cheese itself has a very intense smell. The inside of the cheese is soft with tiny eyes dispersed throughout the paste, while the texture is springy and smooth. It has a nutty, lemony, and spicy flavor. Pair it with crusty baguettes, fruits, soups, salads, malty beers, or a glass of red wine.

Origine: Livarot

Categorie: Brânză


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